1 June 2024

Goodbye, May.

Know know, May finished already. Dah masuk bulan Jun. Dah nak masuk 8 bulan post-partum. Dah 3 bulan Dini start sekolah. Disepanjang waktu itu, macam-macam kisah dan memori terlakar. Sweet and bitter memories of my life. Through ups and down. Series of breakdown and kebangkitan semula.

I've gone through a lot. We.. have gone through a lot. Selagi kita hidup selagi itu diuji. Kalau dulu, my life motto is "Good days will come". Nope, actually, janji Allah swt itulah yang paling pasti. Didalam kesusahan pastinya ada kemudahan. In a bad days, always have a good things in it. Bahagia itu sementara, begitu juga dengan kekecewaan. 

Hence, motto hidup sekarang ialah "Syukur, Solat dan Sabar". Kerana, selagi kita hidup, selagi itulah ada rezeki untuk kita. Bila rezeki kita dah habis, maka pada saat itulah kita dijemput Illahi. 

Gittew. I am so emotional and sentimental right now. Thinking of how much rezeki yang Allah dah kurniakan despite of series of kelalaian dan kealpaan sehingga melupakan Dia. 

Overthinking always distract my focus. I hope I can overcome this gradually. I will practice more self-love and self-care without taking less care of my little family. They are my priority too 🥰

I hope I can consistently focused on my business too. Overthinking macam mana pun, business content tetap kena jalan. Don't shut that down. Personal social media takpe nak shut down and going hiatus. Not so hiatus. I still posting about Palestine 🇵🇸 Only for Palestine.

I need to make sure my target for my business is achieved by the end of this year of 2024. May Allah ease 🤲

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