3 July 2024


Dear blog, 

I have decided to uninstall my Instagram, X and Facebook in my phone tonight. I can't sleep. Moody. I make a glass of hot chocolate just now and thinking....

Yes, I should throw 'em all!

Good bye for now. I will get used to this. 

But, I only uninstall it in my phone. Kat iPad masih ada. Tapi siapa je lah rajin nak scroll lama-lama. iPad tu berat wkwkwkw.

Plus, Dini and Ayah Dini yang selalu guna iPad tu untuk main game Zombie diorang hahaha.

So, slowly I will get used to it.


  1. Sometimes we have to take a break from socmed. To recharge, to refresh... Have a nice day 💖

  2. Doakan me too! Nak deactivate semua social media tapi belum ada kekuatan huhu


Thanks for reading