1 October 2012

EOP Class? It's Time To Lukis Lukis


EOP is stand for English for Occupational Purposes.
Me is currently taking this subject for this semester, unfortunately.. =..= *kasi kembang siket hidung*

Waktu kelas tadi tetiba homesick. Jenn is missing her family especially her nephews and niece. She is unable to smile. Unable to give 100% attention to the lecture. *selama ni penah ke 100%?* Unable to actively take part when the lecturer asking question as he is talking to the moon. LOL. Macam lah selama ni menjawab sangat dalam kelas. *ai jawab dalam hati je. tu pun jawapan menyimpang*

Unable to disturb her friends beside her. Unable to think. Unable to calm herself.

Jenn is only able to drew this during that 2-hours class. Because ai don't like 'kelas malam'. Ai iz exhausted.

Because i'm hungry

Sekarang dah kenyang Alhamdulillah, thank you Allah.


Thanks for reading